71 research outputs found

    On the etymology of Anglicisms in Polish dictionaries

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    English borrowings in two contemporary Polish lexicons of anglicisms

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    English loanwords in Polish lexicons

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    The article discusses the research involved in the compilation of the lexicon entitled Słownik zapożyczeń angielskich w polszczyźnie (A Dictionary of English Borrowings in the Polish Language) and at the same time highlights a number of problematic areas in Polish dictionaries describing anglicisms. The lexicon mentioned above was written at the request of Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN. Therefore, the corpus was provided by this publishing house. In the event, the corpus (one Polish and two of foreign dictionaries) contained many mistakes (etymological, semantic, graphic, etc.) which were corrected by the present author. Besides, a number of new English loans not attested in the given corpus were added to the new Polish lexicon of anglicisms. The conclusion, therefore, is that while writing new Polish dictionaries, Polish lexicographers should consult philologists specializing in different languages

    Angielsko-polskie kontakty językowe

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    Ortografia i fonetyka zapożyczeń angielskich w językach europejskich

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    Rodzaj gramatyczny zapożyczeń angielskich w polszczyźnie

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    Both in English and in Poli sh different grammaticaI gender distinctions are suggested. However, the assignment of the adequate gender to ang li cisms in Polish does not cause many problems to native speakers, but, as the empirical study has shown, they make use of different criteria than the ones discussed in the linguistics literature

    Prezento de la scienca agado de prof. d-ro habil. Stanislao Stachowski

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    Language norm in the context of language contact

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    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie rozmaitych rodzajów wpływu języka angielskiego na polski. W większości wypadków wpływ ten nie narusza normy językowej polszczyzny. Wyjątkiem są wykrzyk- niki wyrażające emocje oraz pewne struktury syntaktyczne.The aim of the article is to present different types of influence of English on the Polish language. In most cases this impact does not violate the norm of Polish. Certain interjections that refer to emotions as well as some syntactic structures constitute exceptions

    The Englishization of Polish higher education

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    In Poland, Englishization is subsumed under the concept of internationalization, which is considered a nationwide tendency of the development of the higher education sector. It is highly recommended to use English as a lingua franca of research and scientific communication, and it is common to implement programmes using English as a medium of instruction (EMI). Therefore, one of the key aspects discussed in this paper concerns the equalization of the status of Polish and English as languages of instruction. Other ‘tangible’ exponents of this English-Polish ‘alliance’ are to be seen in the area of job competition procedures, which have to be stated in both Polish and English. Emphasis is also placed on the development of English versions of university websites